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Aly Ann Morlock is a twenty year old, self proclaimed nerd punk from Western New York. Buried under a stack of books she should really be reading, two jobs, multiple video games to be played, other hobbies, and somewhat of a social life, she has managed to find her way into the writing world; the only goal she has ever really had since she was a smaller person. 


As a writer, Aly has found her voice in telling the stories that are never thought about, let alone told and that fact was what drove her from writing silly little stories for friends, and into truly striving to be published and have her characters' voices reach out past her small corner of the world. Her hope is for others to find truth and comfort in her words, and also to start conversations over subjects that are forgotten about, or shoved under a rug and ignored.


Aly can be contacted at any time for whatever reason. She is not above lending her shoulder out if someone needs to talk, or if anyone has any questions.

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